28 September, 2005
21 September, 2005
18 September, 2005
There's a couple of things I'd like to discuss:
Firstly, since I've been asked, Doslo's stardrifter. Those of you who have been paying attention will have noticed a window discrepancy Stardrifters should only have four windows, but sometimes Doslo's has six. And sometimes they're in the wrong place. Well the answer's simple: the SD is a Heap of Junk in more than just name - I suspect that you'd find the odd seam in it's hull if you looked close enough. And as such, the "windows" are bodges to the hull's polarisation mechanism such that some areas don't turn opaque. In a top-condition stardrifter this wouldn't be necessary as the windows would be designed in, but in the HoJ they're needed, and are slightly tempremental.
Secondly, Phillips's 'leap' here. To a Lithium Eater, it is a leap. Lithium Eaters essentially have their own built-in vimana drive which lets them jump between systems quite easily. Riding a Lithium Eater is totally different to using a stardrifter - there's less around you, and you can feel the Lithium Eater jump. And also note that Philliup doesn't stop his leap in the planet's orbit - he goes straight in without stopping, and only cuts the vimana-leap at the last second, letting gravity do the rest. It's something of a heavy landing, but at least you know you've arrived. I imagine that it's similar to flying in an aeroplane vs. parachuting.
14 September, 2005
05 September, 2005
Okay, this one's a little different. It's an animated GIF, based on what happened to my laptop's hard drive on Saturday.
I don't consider it my best but it did take quite a long time to do.
And no, I am not going to warez Flash just to be able to create animations. GIFs may not be as flashy but this time they got the job done.