17 July, 2005


(click the image to see the full size version)

This is the image that started this thing off, originally done in August of 2002. (Is it that long ago already?)

And what does it mean, I hear you ask?

Quite simple - this is an roguelike-style rendition of a typical Noctis image. (For more about Noctis, click the "AnywhereBB - home of Noctis" link in the sidebar, then click "noctis" in the header.) The "f" is our protagonist, later named Doslo by a forum member. The Ts are trees. The "h" is a hopper (a typical rendition of an animal in Noctis; it hops). That big bunch of # symbols is the Suricrasian Cube, which fills pretty much the entire sector of the planet.

Do I need to go into any more detail?


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